1.1 KB


Collection of web assets for reuse in other projects

How to use

Install yui-compressor tool:

sudo apt-get install yui-compressor

Include to your main makefile:

    curl -fsSL -o $@

include .assets.makefile

Add to gitignore file:


Keep your CSS and JS files with *.dev.css and *.dev.js suffix. Run make assets command to process all finded files

You can include CSS or JS files from internet into local file by import() command inside CSS or JS file. Check /test/ directory and /test/ file. For example:

/* import(https://path/to/file/reset.css) */
/* import(https://path/to/file/controls/checkbox/ios.css) */

.example {
    background-color: red;

In the result you will get combined and minified CSS file without .dev. suffix. And the same works for JS files. Note: for reducing http requests /.cache/ directory is used. Run make assets-clear-cache for clearing cached files