@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-{{if not (eq $.Data.Module "404")}}
- {{if eq $.Data.Module "index"}}
- {{$.Data.Page.Name}}
- {{else if or (eq $.Data.Module "blog") (eq $.Data.Module "blog-post") (eq $.Data.Module "blog-category")}}
- {{if eq $.Data.Module "blog-category"}}
- Posts of category "{{$.Data.Blog.Category.Name}}" | Blog
- {{else if eq $.Data.Module "blog-post"}}
- {{$.Data.Blog.Post.Name}} | Blog
- {{else}}
- Latest posts | Blog
- {{end}}
- {{else if or (eq $.Data.Module "shop") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-product") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-category")}}
- {{if eq $.Data.Module "shop-category"}}
- Products of category "{{$.Data.Shop.Category.Name}}" | Shop
- {{else if eq $.Data.Module "shop-product"}}
- {{$.Data.Shop.Product.Name}} | Shop
- {{else}}
- Latest products | Shop
- {{end}}
- {{end}}
- Error 404
+{{if not (eq $.Data.Module "404")}}
+ {{if eq $.Data.Module "index"}}
+ {{$.Data.Page.Name}}
+ {{else if or (eq $.Data.Module "blog") (eq $.Data.Module "blog-post") (eq $.Data.Module "blog-category")}}
+ {{if eq $.Data.Module "blog-category"}}
+ Posts of category "{{$.Data.Blog.Category.Name}}" | Blog
+ {{else if eq $.Data.Module "blog-post"}}
+ {{$.Data.Blog.Post.Name}} | Blog
+ {{else}}
+ Latest posts | Blog
+ {{end}}
+ {{else if or (eq $.Data.Module "shop") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-product") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-category")}}
+ {{if eq $.Data.Module "shop-category"}}
+ Products of category "{{$.Data.Shop.Category.Name}}" | Shop
+ {{else if eq $.Data.Module "shop-product"}}
+ {{$.Data.Shop.Product.Name}} | Shop
+ {{else}}
+ Latest products | Shop
+ {{end}}
+ {{end}}
+ Error 404