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CP sidebar SVG icons

Vova Tkach 5 years ago
2 changed files with 6 additions and 3 deletions
  1. 3 0
  2. 3 3

+ 3 - 0

@@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ var SysSvgIconBug = `<svg viewBox="4 4 18 18" width="16" height="16" class="sico
 var SysSvgIconCopy = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="16" height="16" class="sicon" version="1.1"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/><path d="M16 1H4c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14h2V3h12V1zm-1 4l6 6v10c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2H7.99C6.89 23 6 22.1 6 21l.01-14c0-1.1.89-2 1.99-2h7zm-1 7h5.5L14 6.5V12z" /></svg>`
 var SysSvgIconShop = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="16" height="16" class="sicon" version="1.1"><path d="M7 18c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2S5.9 22 7 22s2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2zM1 2v2h2l3.6 7.59-1.35 2.45c-.16.28-.25.61-.25.96 0 1.1.9 2 2 2h12v-2H7.42c-.14 0-.25-.11-.25-.25l.03-.12.9-1.63h7.45c.75 0 1.41-.41 1.75-1.03l3.58-6.49c.08-.14.12-.31.12-.48 0-.55-.45-1-1-1H5.21l-.94-2H1zm16 16c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2s.89 2 1.99 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2z"/><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/></svg>`
 var SysSvgIconRestore = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="16" height="16" class="sicon" version="1.1"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M13 3c-4.97 0-9 4.03-9 9H1l3.89 12H6c0-3.87 3.13-7 7-7s7 3.13 7 7-3.13 7-7 7c-1.93 0-3.68-.79-4.94-2.06l-1.42 1.42C8.27 19.99 10.51 21 13 21c4.97 0 9-4.03 9-9s-4.03-9-9-9zm-1 5v5l4.28 2.54.72-1.21-3.5-2.08V8H12z"/></svg>`
+var SysSvgIconPagination = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="16" height="16" class="sicon" version="1.1"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z"/><path d="M10 10.02h5V21h-5zM17 21h3c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-9h-5v11zm3-18H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v3h19V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zM3 19c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h3V10H3v9z"/></svg>`
+var SysSvgIconThumbnails = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="16" height="16" class="sicon" version="1.1"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M23 18V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2H3c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h18c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2zM8.5 12.5l2.5 3.01L14.5 11l4.5 6H5l3.5-4.5z"/></svg>`
+var SysSvgIconApi = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="16" height="16" class="sicon" version="1.1"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M5 2c0-.55-.45-1-1-1s-1 .45-1 1v4H1v6h6V6H5V2zm4 14c0 1.3.84 2.4 2 2.82V23h2v-4.18c1.16-.41 2-1.51 2-2.82v-2H9v2zm-8 0c0 1.3.84 2.4 2 2.82V23h2v-4.18C6.16 18.4 7 17.3 7 16v-2H1v2zM21 6V2c0-.55-.45-1-1-1s-1 .45-1 1v4h-2v6h6V6h-2zm-8-4c0-.55-.45-1-1-1s-1 .45-1 1v4H9v6h6V6h-2V2zm4 14c0 1.3.84 2.4 2 2.82V23h2v-4.18c1.16-.41 2-1.51 2-2.82v-2h-6v2z"/></svg>`

+ 3 - 3

@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ func (this *Modules) RegisterModule_Settings() *Module {
 		Sub: &[]MISub{
 			{Mount: "default", Name: "General", Show: true, Icon: assets.SysSvgIconGear},
 			{Mount: "robots-txt", Name: "Robots.txt", Show: true, Icon: assets.SysSvgIconBug},
-			{Mount: "pagination", Name: "Pagination", Show: true, Icon: assets.SysSvgIconList},
-			{Mount: "thumbnails", Name: "Thumbnails", Show: true, Icon: assets.SysSvgIconList},
-			{Mount: "api", Name: "API", Show: true, Icon: assets.SysSvgIconList},
+			{Mount: "pagination", Name: "Pagination", Show: true, Icon: assets.SysSvgIconPagination},
+			{Mount: "thumbnails", Name: "Thumbnails", Show: true, Icon: assets.SysSvgIconThumbnails},
+			{Mount: "api", Name: "API", Show: true, Icon: assets.SysSvgIconApi},
 	}, nil, func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) (string, string, string) {
 		content := ""