package wrapper import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "html/template" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "time" "golang-fave/cblocks" "golang-fave/consts" "golang-fave/engine/basket" "golang-fave/engine/mysqlpool" "golang-fave/engine/sqlw" "golang-fave/engine/wrapper/config" "golang-fave/logger" "golang-fave/utils" "" ) type Tx = sqlw.Tx var ErrNoRows = sqlw.ErrNoRows type Wrapper struct { l *logger.Logger W http.ResponseWriter R *http.Request S *session.Session c *cblocks.CacheBlocks Host string Port string CurrHost string DConfig string DHtdocs string DLogs string DTemplate string DTmp string IsBackend bool ConfMysqlExists bool UrlArgs []string CurrModule string CurrSubModule string MSPool *mysqlpool.MySqlPool ShopBasket *basket.Basket Config *config.Config DB *sqlw.DB User *utils.MySql_user ShopAllCurrencies *map[int]utils.MySql_shop_currency } func New(l *logger.Logger, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, s *session.Session, c *cblocks.CacheBlocks, host, port, chost, dirConfig, dirHtdocs, dirLogs, dirTemplate, dirTmp string, mp *mysqlpool.MySqlPool, sb *basket.Basket) *Wrapper { conf := config.ConfigNew() if err := conf.ConfigRead(dirConfig + string(os.PathSeparator) + "config.json"); err != nil { l.Log("Host config file: %s", r, true, err.Error()) } return &Wrapper{ l: l, W: w, R: r, S: s, c: c, Host: host, Port: port, CurrHost: chost, DConfig: dirConfig, DHtdocs: dirHtdocs, DLogs: dirLogs, DTemplate: dirTemplate, DTmp: dirTmp, UrlArgs: []string{}, CurrModule: "", CurrSubModule: "", MSPool: mp, ShopBasket: sb, Config: conf, } } func (this *Wrapper) LogAccess(msg string, vars ...interface{}) { this.l.Log(msg, this.R, false, vars...) } func (this *Wrapper) LogError(msg string, vars ...interface{}) { this.l.Log(msg, this.R, true, vars...) } func (this *Wrapper) LogCpError(err *error) *error { if *err != nil { this.LogError("%s", *err) } return err } func (this *Wrapper) dbReconnect() error { if !utils.IsMySqlConfigExists(this.DConfig + string(os.PathSeparator) + "mysql.json") { return errors.New("can't read database configuration file") } mc, err := utils.MySqlConfigRead(this.DConfig + string(os.PathSeparator) + "mysql.json") if err != nil { return err } this.DB, err = sqlw.Open("mysql", mc.User+":"+mc.Password+"@tcp("+mc.Host+":"+mc.Port+")/"+mc.Name) if err != nil { return err } this.MSPool.Set(this.CurrHost, this.DB) return nil } func (this *Wrapper) UseDatabase() error { this.DB = this.MSPool.Get(this.CurrHost) if this.DB == nil { if err := this.dbReconnect(); err != nil { return err } } if err := this.DB.Ping(this.R.Context()); err != nil { this.DB.Close() if err := this.dbReconnect(); err != nil { return err } if err := this.DB.Ping(this.R.Context()); err != nil { this.DB.Close() return err } } // Max 60 minutes and max 4 connection per host this.DB.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Minute * 60) this.DB.SetMaxIdleConns(4) this.DB.SetMaxOpenConns(4) return nil } func (this *Wrapper) LoadSessionUser() bool { if this.S.GetInt("UserId", 0) <= 0 { return false } if this.DB == nil { return false } user := &utils.MySql_user{} err := this.DB.QueryRow( this.R.Context(), `SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email, password, admin, active FROM fave_users WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;`, this.S.GetInt("UserId", 0), ).Scan( &user.A_id, &user.A_first_name, &user.A_last_name, &user.A_email, &user.A_password, &user.A_admin, &user.A_active, ) if *this.LogCpError(&err) != nil { return false } if user.A_id != this.S.GetInt("UserId", 0) { return false } this.User = user return true } func (this *Wrapper) Write(data string) { // TODO: select context and don't write this.W.Write([]byte(data)) } func (this *Wrapper) MsgSuccess(msg string) { // TODO: select context and don't write this.Write(fmt.Sprintf( `fave.ShowMsgSuccess('Success!', '%s', false);`, utils.JavaScriptVarValue(msg))) } func (this *Wrapper) MsgError(msg string) { // TODO: select context and don't write this.Write(fmt.Sprintf( `fave.ShowMsgError('Error!', '%s', true);`, utils.JavaScriptVarValue(msg))) } func (this *Wrapper) RenderToString(tcont []byte, data interface{}) string { tmpl, err := template.New("template").Parse(string(tcont)) if err != nil { return err.Error() } var tpl bytes.Buffer if err := tmpl.Execute(&tpl, data); err != nil { return err.Error() } return tpl.String() } func (this *Wrapper) RenderFrontEnd(tname string, data interface{}, status int) { tmpl, err := template.New(tname+".html").Funcs(utils.TemplateAdditionalFuncs()).ParseFiles( this.DTemplate+string(os.PathSeparator)+tname+".html", this.DTemplate+string(os.PathSeparator)+"header.html", this.DTemplate+string(os.PathSeparator)+"sidebar-left.html", this.DTemplate+string(os.PathSeparator)+"sidebar-right.html", this.DTemplate+string(os.PathSeparator)+"footer.html", ) if err != nil { utils.SystemErrorPageTemplate(this.W, err) return } var tpl bytes.Buffer err = tmpl.Execute(&tpl, consts.TmplData{ System: utils.GetTmplSystemData("", ""), Data: data, }) if err != nil { utils.SystemErrorPageTemplate(this.W, err) return } this.W.WriteHeader(status) this.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate") this.W.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") this.W.Write(tpl.Bytes()) } func (this *Wrapper) RenderBackEnd(tcont []byte, data interface{}) { tmpl, err := template.New("template").Parse(string(tcont)) if err != nil { utils.SystemErrorPageEngine(this.W, err) return } this.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate") this.W.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") var tpl bytes.Buffer err = tmpl.Execute(this.W, consts.TmplData{ System: utils.GetTmplSystemData(this.CurrModule, this.CurrSubModule), Data: data, }) if err != nil { utils.SystemErrorPageEngine(this.W, err) return } this.W.Write(tpl.Bytes()) } func (this *Wrapper) GetCurrentPage(max int) int { curr := 1 page := this.R.URL.Query().Get("p") if page != "" { if i, err := strconv.Atoi(page); err == nil { if i < 1 { curr = 1 } else if i > max { curr = max } else { curr = i } } } return curr } func (this *Wrapper) ConfigSave() error { return this.Config.ConfigWrite(this.DConfig + string(os.PathSeparator) + "config.json") } func (this *Wrapper) SendEmailUsual(email, subject, message string) error { if (*this.Config).SMTP.Host == "" || (*this.Config).SMTP.Login == "" || (*this.Config).SMTP.Password == "" { return errors.New("SMTP server is not configured") } err := utils.SMTPSend( (*this.Config).SMTP.Host, utils.IntToStr((*this.Config).SMTP.Port), (*this.Config).SMTP.Login, (*this.Config).SMTP.Password, subject, message, []string{email}, ) status := 1 emessage := "" if err != nil { status = 0 emessage = err.Error() } if _, err := this.DB.Exec( this.R.Context(), `INSERT INTO fave_notify_mail SET id = NULL, email = ?, subject = ?, message = ?, error = ?, datetime = ?, status = ? ;`, email, subject, message, emessage, utils.UnixTimestampToMySqlDateTime(utils.GetCurrentUnixTimestamp()), status, ); err != nil { this.LogCpError(&err) } return err } func (this *Wrapper) SendEmailFast(email, subject, message string) error { status := 2 emessage := "" if (*this.Config).SMTP.Host == "" || (*this.Config).SMTP.Login == "" || (*this.Config).SMTP.Password == "" { status = 0 emessage = "SMTP server is not configured" } if _, err := this.DB.Exec( this.R.Context(), `INSERT INTO fave_notify_mail SET id = NULL, email = ?, subject = ?, message = ?, error = ?, datetime = ?, status = ? ;`, email, subject, message, emessage, utils.UnixTimestampToMySqlDateTime(utils.GetCurrentUnixTimestamp()), status, ); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (this *Wrapper) SendEmailTemplated(email, subject, tname string, data interface{}) error { tmpl, err := template.New(tname + ".html").Funcs(utils.TemplateAdditionalFuncs()).ParseFiles( this.DTemplate + string(os.PathSeparator) + tname + ".html", ) if err != nil { return err } var tpl bytes.Buffer err = tmpl.Execute(&tpl, data) if err != nil { return err } return this.SendEmailFast(email, subject, string(tpl.Bytes())) } func (this *Wrapper) GetSessionId() string { cookie, err := this.R.Cookie("session") if err == nil && len(cookie.Value) == 40 { return cookie.Value } return "" } func (this *Wrapper) RecreateProductXmlFile() error { trigger := strings.Join([]string{this.DTmp, ""}, string(os.PathSeparator)) if !utils.IsFileExists(trigger) { if _, err := os.Create(trigger); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (this *Wrapper) RecreateProductImgFiles() error { trigger := strings.Join([]string{this.DTmp, ""}, string(os.PathSeparator)) if !utils.IsFileExists(trigger) { if _, err := os.Create(trigger); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (this *Wrapper) RemoveProductImageThumbnails(product_id, filename string) error { pattern := this.DHtdocs + string(os.PathSeparator) + strings.Join([]string{"products", "images", product_id, filename}, string(os.PathSeparator)) if files, err := filepath.Glob(pattern); err != nil { return err } else { // TODO: select context and don't do that for _, file := range files { if err := os.Remove(file); err != nil { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("[upload delete] Thumbnail file (%s) delete error: %s", file, err.Error())) } } } return this.RecreateProductImgFiles() } func (this *Wrapper) ShopGetAllCurrencies() *map[int]utils.MySql_shop_currency { if this.ShopAllCurrencies == nil { this.ShopAllCurrencies = &map[int]utils.MySql_shop_currency{} if rows, err := this.DB.Query( this.R.Context(), `SELECT id, name, coefficient, code, symbol FROM shop_currencies ORDER BY id ASC ;`, ); err == nil { defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { row := utils.MySql_shop_currency{} if err = rows.Scan( &row.A_id, &row.A_name, &row.A_coefficient, &row.A_code, &row.A_symbol, ); err == nil { (*this.ShopAllCurrencies)[row.A_id] = row } } } } return this.ShopAllCurrencies } func (this *Wrapper) ShopGetCurrentCurrency() *utils.MySql_shop_currency { currency_id := 1 if cookie, err := this.R.Cookie("currency"); err == nil { currency_id = utils.StrToInt(cookie.Value) } if _, ok := (*this.ShopGetAllCurrencies())[currency_id]; ok != true { currency_id = 1 } if p, ok := (*this.ShopGetAllCurrencies())[currency_id]; ok == true { return &p } return nil }