package modules import ( "errors" "strings" "golang-fave/engine/wrapper" "golang-fave/utils" ) func (this *Modules) RegisterAction_ShopModify() *Action { return this.newAction(AInfo{ WantDB: true, Mount: "shop-modify", WantAdmin: true, }, func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) { pf_id := wrap.R.FormValue("id") pf_name := wrap.R.FormValue("name") pf_price := wrap.R.FormValue("price") pf_currency := wrap.R.FormValue("currency") pf_alias := wrap.R.FormValue("alias") pf_briefly := wrap.R.FormValue("briefly") pf_content := wrap.R.FormValue("content") pf_active := wrap.R.FormValue("active") if pf_active == "" { pf_active = "0" } if !utils.IsNumeric(pf_id) { wrap.MsgError(`Inner system error`) return } if !utils.IsFloat(pf_price) { wrap.MsgError(`Inner system error`) return } if !utils.IsNumeric(pf_currency) { wrap.MsgError(`Inner system error`) return } if pf_name == "" { wrap.MsgError(`Please specify product name`) return } if pf_alias == "" { pf_alias = utils.GenerateSingleAlias(pf_name) } if !utils.IsValidSingleAlias(pf_alias) { wrap.MsgError(`Please specify correct product alias`) return } // Collect fields and data for filter values filter_values := map[int]int{} for key, values := range wrap.R.PostForm { if len(key) > 6 && key[0:6] == "value." { for _, value := range values { if value != "" { filter_values[utils.StrToInt(value)] = utils.StrToInt(key[6:]) } } } } if pf_id == "0" { if err := wrap.DB.Transaction(func(tx *wrapper.Tx) error { // Insert row res, err := tx.Exec( `INSERT INTO shop_products SET user = ?, currency = ?, price = ?, name = ?, alias = ?, briefly = ?, content = ?, datetime = ?, active = ? ;`, wrap.User.A_id, utils.StrToInt(pf_currency), utils.StrToFloat64(pf_price), pf_name, pf_alias, pf_briefly, pf_content, utils.UnixTimestampToMySqlDateTime(utils.GetCurrentUnixTimestamp()), pf_active, ) if err != nil { return err } // Get inserted product id lastID, err := res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { return err } // Block rows if _, err := tx.Exec("SELECT id FROM shop_products WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE;", lastID); err != nil { return err } // Insert product and categories relations catids := utils.GetPostArrayInt("cats[]", wrap.R) if len(catids) > 0 { var catsCount int err = tx.QueryRow(` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shop_cats WHERE id IN(` + strings.Join(utils.ArrayOfIntToArrayOfString(catids), ",") + `) FOR UPDATE;`, ).Scan( &catsCount, ) if err != nil { return err } if len(catids) != catsCount { return errors.New("Inner system error") } var bulkInsertArr []string for _, el := range catids { bulkInsertArr = append(bulkInsertArr, `(`+utils.Int64ToStr(lastID)+`,`+utils.IntToStr(el)+`)`) } if _, err = tx.Exec( `INSERT INTO shop_cat_product_rel (product_id,category_id) VALUES ` + strings.Join(bulkInsertArr, ",") + `;`, ); err != nil { return err } } // Insert product and filter values relations for vid, _ := range filter_values { if _, err = tx.Exec( `INSERT INTO shop_filter_product_values SET product_id = ?, filter_value_id = ? ;`, lastID, vid, ); err != nil { return err } } return nil }); err != nil { wrap.MsgError(err.Error()) return } wrap.Write(`window.location='/cp/shop/';`) } else { if err := wrap.DB.Transaction(func(tx *wrapper.Tx) error { // Block rows if _, err := tx.Exec("SELECT id FROM shop_products WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE;", utils.StrToInt(pf_id)); err != nil { return err } if _, err := tx.Exec("SELECT id FROM shop_currencies WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE;", utils.StrToInt(pf_currency)); err != nil { return err } if _, err := tx.Exec("SELECT product_id FROM shop_cat_product_rel WHERE product_id = ? FOR UPDATE;", utils.StrToInt(pf_id)); err != nil { return err } if _, err := tx.Exec("SELECT product_id FROM shop_filter_product_values WHERE product_id = ? FOR UPDATE;", utils.StrToInt(pf_id)); err != nil { return err } // Update row if _, err := tx.Exec( `UPDATE shop_products SET currency = ?, price = ?, name = ?, alias = ?, briefly = ?, content = ?, active = ? WHERE id = ? ;`, utils.StrToInt(pf_currency), utils.StrToFloat64(pf_price), pf_name, pf_alias, pf_briefly, pf_content, pf_active, utils.StrToInt(pf_id), ); err != nil { return err } // Delete product and categories relations if _, err := tx.Exec("DELETE FROM shop_cat_product_rel WHERE product_id = ?;", pf_id); err != nil { return err } // Insert product and categories relations catids := utils.GetPostArrayInt("cats[]", wrap.R) if len(catids) > 0 { var catsCount int err := tx.QueryRow(` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shop_cats WHERE id IN(` + strings.Join(utils.ArrayOfIntToArrayOfString(catids), ",") + `) FOR UPDATE;`, ).Scan( &catsCount, ) if err != nil { return err } if len(catids) != catsCount { return errors.New("Inner system error") } var bulkInsertArr []string for _, el := range catids { bulkInsertArr = append(bulkInsertArr, `(`+pf_id+`,`+utils.IntToStr(el)+`)`) } if _, err := tx.Exec( `INSERT INTO shop_cat_product_rel (product_id,category_id) VALUES ` + strings.Join(bulkInsertArr, ",") + `;`, ); err != nil { return err } } // Delete product and filter values relations if _, err := tx.Exec( `DELETE FROM shop_filter_product_values WHERE product_id = ?;`, utils.StrToInt(pf_id), ); err != nil { return err } // Insert product and filter values relations for vid, _ := range filter_values { if _, err := tx.Exec( `INSERT INTO shop_filter_product_values SET product_id = ?, filter_value_id = ? ;`, utils.StrToInt(pf_id), vid, ); err != nil { return err } } return nil }); err != nil { wrap.MsgError(err.Error()) return } wrap.Write(`window.location='/cp/shop/modify/` + pf_id + `/';`) } }) }