package modules
import (
type MISub struct {
Mount string
Name string
Icon string
Show bool
type MInfo struct {
Id string
WantDB bool
Mount string
Name string
Order int
System bool
Icon string
Sub *[]MISub
type Module struct {
Info MInfo
Front func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper)
Back func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) (string, string, string)
type AInfo struct {
Id string
WantDB bool
Mount string
WantUser bool
WantAdmin bool
type Action struct {
Info AInfo
Act func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper)
type Modules struct {
mods map[string]*Module
acts map[string]*Action
func (this *Modules) load() {
t := reflect.TypeOf(this)
for i := 0; i < t.NumMethod(); i++ {
m := t.Method(i)
if strings.HasPrefix(m.Name, "XXX") {
if strings.HasPrefix(m.Name, "RegisterModule_") {
id := m.Name[15:]
if _, ok := reflect.TypeOf(this).MethodByName("RegisterModule_" + id); ok {
result := reflect.ValueOf(this).MethodByName("RegisterModule_" + id).Call([]reflect.Value{})
if len(result) >= 1 {
mod := result[0].Interface().(*Module)
mod.Info.Id = id
this.mods[mod.Info.Mount] = mod
if strings.HasPrefix(m.Name, "RegisterAction_") {
id := m.Name[15:]
if _, ok := reflect.TypeOf(this).MethodByName("RegisterAction_" + id); ok {
result := reflect.ValueOf(this).MethodByName("RegisterAction_" + id).Call([]reflect.Value{})
if len(result) >= 1 {
act := result[0].Interface().(*Action)
act.Info.Id = id
this.acts[act.Info.Mount] = act
func (this *Modules) newModule(info MInfo, ff func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper), bf func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) (string, string, string)) *Module {
return &Module{Info: info, Front: ff, Back: bf}
func (this *Modules) newAction(info AInfo, af func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper)) *Action {
return &Action{Info: info, Act: af}
func (this *Modules) getCurrentModule(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper, backend bool) (*Module, string) {
var mod *Module = nil
var modCurr string = ""
// Some module
if len(wrap.UrlArgs) >= 1 {
if m, ok := this.mods[wrap.UrlArgs[0]]; ok {
if (!backend && m.Front != nil) || (backend && m.Back != nil) {
mod = m
modCurr = wrap.UrlArgs[0]
// Default module
if !backend || (backend && len(wrap.UrlArgs) <= 0) {
if mod == nil {
if m, ok := this.mods["index"]; ok {
mod = m
modCurr = "index"
return mod, modCurr
func (this *Modules) getModulesList(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper, sys bool, all bool) []*MInfo {
list := make([]*MInfo, 0)
for _, mod := range this.mods {
if mod.Back != nil {
if mod.Info.System == sys || all {
list = append(list, &mod.Info)
sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool {
return list[i].Order < list[j].Order
return list
func (this *Modules) getSidebarModuleSubMenu(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper, mod *MInfo) string {
html := ``
if mod.Sub != nil {
for _, item := range *mod.Sub {
if item.Show {
class := ""
if (item.Mount == "default" && len(wrap.UrlArgs) <= 1) || (len(wrap.UrlArgs) >= 2 && item.Mount == wrap.UrlArgs[1]) {
class = " active"
icon := item.Icon
if icon == "" {
icon = assets.SysSvgIconGear
href := "/cp/" + mod.Mount + "/" + item.Mount + "/"
if mod.Mount == "index" && item.Mount == "default" {
href = "/cp/"
} else if item.Mount == "default" {
href = "/cp/" + mod.Mount + "/"
html += `
` + icon + item.Name + ``
if html != "" {
html = ``
return html
func (this *Modules) getNavMenuModules(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper, sys bool) string {
html := ``
list := this.getModulesList(wrap, sys, false)
for _, mod := range list {
class := ""
if mod.Mount == wrap.CurrModule {
class = " active"
href := `/cp/` + mod.Mount + `/`
if mod.Mount == "index" {
href = `/cp/`
html += `` + mod.Name + ``
return html
func (this *Modules) getSidebarModules(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) string {
html_def := ""
html_sys := ""
list := this.getModulesList(wrap, false, true)
for _, mod := range list {
class := ""
submenu := ""
if mod.Mount == wrap.CurrModule {
class = " active"
submenu = this.getSidebarModuleSubMenu(wrap, mod)
icon := mod.Icon
if icon == "" {
icon = assets.SysSvgIconGear
href := "/cp/" + mod.Mount + "/"
if mod.Mount == "index" {
href = "/cp/"
if !mod.System {
html_def += `` + icon + mod.Name + `` + submenu + ``
} else {
html_sys += `` + icon + mod.Name + `` + submenu + ``
if html_def != "" {
html_def = ``
if html_sys != "" {
html_sys = ``
if html_def != "" && html_sys != "" {
html_sys = `` + html_sys
return html_def + html_sys
func (this *Modules) getBreadCrumbs(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper, data *[]consts.BreadCrumb) string {
res := ``
return res
func New() *Modules {
m := Modules{
mods: map[string]*Module{},
acts: map[string]*Action{},
return &m
func (this *Modules) XXXActionFire(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) bool {
if wrap.R.Method == "POST" {
if err := wrap.R.ParseForm(); err == nil {
name := wrap.R.FormValue("action")
if name != "" {
wrap.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate")
wrap.W.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
if act, ok := this.acts[name]; ok {
if act.Info.WantDB {
err := wrap.UseDatabase()
if err != nil {
return true
defer wrap.DB.Close()
if act.Info.WantUser || act.Info.WantAdmin {
if !wrap.LoadSessionUser() {
wrap.MsgError(`You must be loginned to run this action`)
return true
if wrap.User.A_active <= 0 {
if !wrap.LoadSessionUser() {
wrap.MsgError(`You do not have rights to run this action`)
return true
if act.Info.WantAdmin && wrap.User.A_admin <= 0 {
if !wrap.LoadSessionUser() {
wrap.MsgError(`You do not have rights to run this action`)
return true
return true
} else {
wrap.MsgError(`This action is not implemented`)
return true
return false
func (this *Modules) XXXFrontEnd(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) bool {
mod, cm := this.getCurrentModule(wrap, false)
if mod != nil {
wrap.CurrModule = cm
if mod.Front != nil {
if mod.Info.WantDB {
err := wrap.UseDatabase()
if err != nil {
utils.SystemErrorPageEngine(wrap.W, err)
return true
defer wrap.DB.Close()
return true
return false
func (this *Modules) XXXBackEnd(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) bool {
mod, cm := this.getCurrentModule(wrap, true)
if mod != nil {
wrap.CurrModule = cm
if len(wrap.UrlArgs) >= 2 && wrap.UrlArgs[1] != "" {
wrap.CurrSubModule = wrap.UrlArgs[1]
// Search for sub module mount
found := false
submount := "default"
if wrap.CurrSubModule != "" {
submount = wrap.CurrSubModule
for _, item := range *mod.Info.Sub {
if item.Mount == submount {
found = true
// Display standart 404 error page
if !found {
return found
// Call module function
if mod.Back != nil {
sidebar_left, content, sidebar_right := mod.Back(wrap)
// Display standart 404 error page
if sidebar_left == "" && content == "" && sidebar_right == "" {
return false
// Prepare CP page
body_class := "cp"
if sidebar_left != "" {
body_class = body_class + " cp-sidebar-left"
if content == "" {
body_class = body_class + " cp-404"
if sidebar_right != "" {
body_class = body_class + " cp-sidebar-right"
wrap.RenderBackEnd(assets.TmplCpBase, consts.TmplDataCpBase{
Title: wrap.CurrHost + " - Fave " + consts.ServerVersion,
Caption: "Fave " + consts.ServerVersion,
BodyClasses: body_class,
UserId: wrap.User.A_id,
UserFirstName: utils.JavaScriptVarValue(wrap.User.A_first_name),
UserLastName: utils.JavaScriptVarValue(wrap.User.A_last_name),
UserEmail: utils.JavaScriptVarValue(wrap.User.A_email),
UserAvatarLink: "" + utils.GetMd5(wrap.User.A_email) + "?s=80&r=g",
NavBarModules: template.HTML(this.getNavMenuModules(wrap, false)),
NavBarModulesSys: template.HTML(this.getNavMenuModules(wrap, true)),
ModuleCurrentAlias: wrap.CurrModule,
SidebarLeft: template.HTML(sidebar_left),
Content: template.HTML(content),
SidebarRight: template.HTML(sidebar_right),
return true
return false