Node.js: fs-extra ================= `fs-extra` adds file system methods that aren't included in the native `fs` module and adds promise support to the `fs` methods. It should be a drop in replacement for `fs`. []( []( []( []( []( <a href=""><img src="" alt="Standard JavaScript" width="100"></a> Why? ---- I got tired of including `mkdirp`, `rimraf`, and `ncp` in most of my projects. Installation ------------ npm install --save fs-extra Usage ----- `fs-extra` is a drop in replacement for native `fs`. All methods in `fs` are attached to `fs-extra`. All `fs` methods return promises if the callback isn't passed. You don't ever need to include the original `fs` module again: ```js const fs = require('fs') // this is no longer necessary ``` you can now do this: ```js const fs = require('fs-extra') ``` or if you prefer to make it clear that you're using `fs-extra` and not `fs`, you may want to name your `fs` variable `fse` like so: ```js const fse = require('fs-extra') ``` you can also keep both, but it's redundant: ```js const fs = require('fs') const fse = require('fs-extra') ``` Sync vs Async ------------- Most methods are async by default. All async methods will return a promise if the callback isn't passed. Sync methods on the other hand will throw if an error occurs. Example: ```js const fs = require('fs-extra') // Async with promises: fs.copy('/tmp/myfile', '/tmp/mynewfile') .then(() => console.log('success!')) .catch(err => console.error(err)) // Async with callbacks: fs.copy('/tmp/myfile', '/tmp/mynewfile', err => { if (err) return console.error(err) console.log('success!') }) // Sync: try { fs.copySync('/tmp/myfile', '/tmp/mynewfile') console.log('success!') } catch (err) { console.error(err) } ``` Methods ------- ### Async - [copy](docs/ - [emptyDir](docs/ - [ensureFile](docs/ - [ensureDir](docs/ - [ensureLink](docs/ - [ensureSymlink](docs/ - [mkdirs](docs/ - [move](docs/ - [outputFile](docs/ - [outputJson](docs/ - [pathExists](docs/ - [readJson](docs/ - [remove](docs/ - [writeJson](docs/ ### Sync - [copySync](docs/ - [emptyDirSync](docs/ - [ensureFileSync](docs/ - [ensureDirSync](docs/ - [ensureLinkSync](docs/ - [ensureSymlinkSync](docs/ - [mkdirsSync](docs/ - [moveSync](docs/ - [outputFileSync](docs/ - [outputJsonSync](docs/ - [pathExistsSync](docs/ - [readJsonSync](docs/ - [removeSync](docs/ - [writeJsonSync](docs/ **NOTE:** You can still use the native Node.js methods. They are promisified and copied over to `fs-extra`. See [notes on `` & `fs.write()`](docs/ ### What happened to `walk()` and `walkSync()`? They were removed from `fs-extra` in v2.0.0. If you need the functionality, `walk` and `walkSync` are available as separate packages, [`klaw`]( and [`klaw-sync`]( Third Party ----------- ### TypeScript If you like TypeScript, you can use `fs-extra` with it: ### File / Directory Watching If you want to watch for changes to files or directories, then you should use [chokidar]( ### Misc. - [mfs]( - Monitor your fs-extra calls. Hacking on fs-extra ------------------- Wanna hack on `fs-extra`? Great! Your help is needed! [fs-extra is one of the most depended upon Node.js packages]( This project uses [JavaScript Standard Style]( - if the name or style choices bother you, you're gonna have to get over it :) If `standard` is good enough for `npm`, it's good enough for `fs-extra`. []( What's needed? - First, take a look at existing issues. Those are probably going to be where the priority lies. - More tests for edge cases. Specifically on different platforms. There can never be enough tests. - Improve test coverage. See coveralls output for more info. Note: If you make any big changes, **you should definitely file an issue for discussion first.** ### Running the Test Suite fs-extra contains hundreds of tests. - `npm run lint`: runs the linter ([standard]( - `npm run unit`: runs the unit tests - `npm test`: runs both the linter and the tests ### Windows If you run the tests on the Windows and receive a lot of symbolic link `EPERM` permission errors, it's because on Windows you need elevated privilege to create symbolic links. You can add this to your Windows's account by following the instructions here: However, I didn't have much luck doing this. Since I develop on Mac OS X, I use VMWare Fusion for Windows testing. I create a shared folder that I map to a drive on Windows. I open the `Node.js command prompt` and run as `Administrator`. I then map the network drive running the following command: net use z: "\\vmware-host\Shared Folders" I can then navigate to my `fs-extra` directory and run the tests. Naming ------ I put a lot of thought into the naming of these functions. Inspired by @coolaj86's request. So he deserves much of the credit for raising the issue. See discussion(s) here: * * * * First, I believe that in as many cases as possible, the [Node.js naming schemes]( should be chosen. However, there are problems with the Node.js own naming schemes. For example, `fs.readFile()` and `fs.readdir()`: the **F** is capitalized in *File* and the **d** is not capitalized in *dir*. Perhaps a bit pedantic, but they should still be consistent. Also, Node.js has chosen a lot of POSIX naming schemes, which I believe is great. See: `fs.mkdir()`, `fs.rmdir()`, `fs.chown()`, etc. We have a dilemma though. How do you consistently name methods that perform the following POSIX commands: `cp`, `cp -r`, `mkdir -p`, and `rm -rf`? My perspective: when in doubt, err on the side of simplicity. A directory is just a hierarchical grouping of directories and files. Consider that for a moment. So when you want to copy it or remove it, in most cases you'll want to copy or remove all of its contents. When you want to create a directory, if the directory that it's suppose to be contained in does not exist, then in most cases you'll want to create that too. So, if you want to remove a file or a directory regardless of whether it has contents, just call `fs.remove(path)`. If you want to copy a file or a directory whether it has contents, just call `fs.copy(source, destination)`. If you want to create a directory regardless of whether its parent directories exist, just call `fs.mkdirs(path)` or `fs.mkdirp(path)`. Credit ------ `fs-extra` wouldn't be possible without using the modules from the following authors: - [Isaac Shlueter]( - [Charlie McConnel]( - [James Halliday]( - [Andrew Kelley]( License ------- Licensed under MIT Copyright (c) 2011-2017 [JP Richardson]( [1]: [jsonfile]: