package modules import ( "bufio" "bytes" "html" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "golang-fave/assets" "golang-fave/engine/fetdata" "golang-fave/engine/wrapper" "golang-fave/utils" "" ) func (this *Modules) api_GenerateImage(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper, width, height, color int, filename string) ([]byte, bool, string, error) { file_ext := "" if strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) == ".png" { file_ext = "image/png" } else if strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) == ".jpg" { file_ext = "image/jpeg" } else if strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) == ".jpeg" { file_ext = "image/jpeg" } src, err := imaging.Open(filename) if err != nil { return []byte(""), false, file_ext, err } src = imaging.Fill(src, width, height, imaging.Center, imaging.Lanczos) // src = imaging.Fit(src, width, height, imaging.Lanczos) var out_bytes bytes.Buffer out := bufio.NewWriter(&out_bytes) if file_ext == "image/png" { imaging.Encode(out, src, imaging.PNG) } else if file_ext == "image/jpeg" { imaging.Encode(out, src, imaging.JPEG) } else { return []byte(""), false, file_ext, nil } return out_bytes.Bytes(), true, file_ext, nil } func (this *Modules) api_GenerateXmlCurrencies(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) string { result := `` rows, err := wrap.DB.Query( `SELECT code, coefficient FROM shop_currencies ORDER BY id ASC ;`, ) if err == nil { defer rows.Close() values := make([]string, 2) scan := make([]interface{}, len(values)) for i := range values { scan[i] = &values[i] } for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(scan...) if err == nil { result += `` } } } return result } func (this *Modules) api_GenerateXmlCategories(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) string { result := `` rows, err := wrap.DB.Query( `SELECT, data.user,, data.alias, data.lft, data.rgt, MAX(data.parent_id) AS parent_id FROM ( SELECT, node.user,, node.alias, node.lft, node.rgt, AS parent_id FROM shop_cats AS node, shop_cats AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND > 1 ORDER BY node.lft ASC ) AS data WHERE <> data.parent_id GROUP BY ORDER BY data.lft ASC ;`, ) if err == nil { defer rows.Close() values := make([]string, 7) scan := make([]interface{}, len(values)) for i := range values { scan[i] = &values[i] } for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(scan...) if err == nil { if utils.StrToInt(string(values[6])) > 1 { result += `` + html.EscapeString(string(values[2])) + `` } else { result += `` + html.EscapeString(string(values[2])) + `` } } } } return result } func (this *Modules) api_GenerateXmlOfferPictures(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper, product_id int) string { result := `` rows, err := wrap.DB.Query( `SELECT shop_product_images.product_id, shop_product_images.filename FROM shop_product_images WHERE shop_product_images.product_id = ? ;`, product_id, ) if err == nil { defer rows.Close() values := make([]string, 2) scan := make([]interface{}, len(values)) for i := range values { scan[i] = &values[i] } for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(scan...) if err == nil { result += `` + html.EscapeString((*wrap.Config).API.XML.Url) + `products/images/` + html.EscapeString(string(values[0])) + `/` + html.EscapeString(string(values[1])) + `` } } } return result } func (this *Modules) api_GenerateXmlOfferAttributes(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper, product_id int) string { result := `` filter_ids := []int{} filter_names := map[int]string{} filter_values := map[int][]string{} rows, err := wrap.DB.Query( `SELECT, shop_filters.filter, FROM shop_filter_product_values LEFT JOIN shop_filters_values ON = shop_filter_product_values.filter_value_id LEFT JOIN shop_filters ON = shop_filters_values.filter_id WHERE shop_filter_product_values.product_id = ? ORDER BY shop_filters.filter ASC, ASC ;`, product_id, ) if err == nil { defer rows.Close() values := make([]string, 3) scan := make([]interface{}, len(values)) for i := range values { scan[i] = &values[i] } for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(scan...) if err == nil { if !utils.InArrayInt(filter_ids, utils.StrToInt(string(values[0]))) { filter_ids = append(filter_ids, utils.StrToInt(string(values[0]))) } filter_names[utils.StrToInt(string(values[0]))] = html.EscapeString(string(values[1])) filter_values[utils.StrToInt(string(values[0]))] = append(filter_values[utils.StrToInt(string(values[0]))], string(values[2])) } } } for _, filter_id := range filter_ids { result += `` + html.EscapeString(strings.Join(filter_values[filter_id], ", ")) + `` } return result } func (this *Modules) api_GenerateXmlOffers(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) string { result := `` rows, err := wrap.DB.Query( `SELECT, shop_currencies.code, shop_products.price,, shop_products.alias, shop_products.vendor, shop_products.quantity, shop_products.category, shop_products.content FROM shop_products LEFT JOIN shop_currencies ON = shop_products.currency WHERE = 1 AND shop_products.category > 1 ORDER BY ;`, ) if err == nil { defer rows.Close() values := make([]string, 9) scan := make([]interface{}, len(values)) for i := range values { scan[i] = &values[i] } for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(scan...) if err == nil { result += `` result += `` + html.EscapeString((*wrap.Config).API.XML.Url) + `shop/` + html.EscapeString(string(values[4])) + `/` result += `` + utils.Float64ToStrF(utils.StrToFloat64(string(values[2])), "%.2f") + `` result += `` + html.EscapeString(string(values[1])) + `` result += `` + html.EscapeString(string(values[7])) + `` result += this.api_GenerateXmlOfferPictures(wrap, utils.StrToInt(string(values[0]))) result += `` + html.EscapeString(string(values[5])) + `` result += `` + html.EscapeString(string(values[6])) + `` result += `` + html.EscapeString(string(values[3])) + `` result += `` result += this.api_GenerateXmlOfferAttributes(wrap, utils.StrToInt(string(values[0]))) result += `` } } } return result } func (this *Modules) api_GenerateXml(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) string { return ` ` + html.EscapeString((*wrap.Config).API.XML.Name) + ` ` + html.EscapeString((*wrap.Config).API.XML.Company) + ` ` + html.EscapeString((*wrap.Config).API.XML.Url) + ` ` + this.api_GenerateXmlCurrencies(wrap) + ` ` + this.api_GenerateXmlCategories(wrap) + ` ` + this.api_GenerateXmlOffers(wrap) + ` ` } func (this *Modules) RegisterModule_Api() *Module { return this.newModule(MInfo{ WantDB: true, Mount: "api", Name: "Api", Order: 803, System: true, Icon: assets.SysSvgIconPage, Sub: &[]MISub{}, }, func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) { // http://localhost:8080/api/product-image/thumb-cp/1/1565650500.png/ // http://localhost:8080/api/product-image/thumb-1/1/1565650500.png/ // http://localhost:8080/api/product-image/thumb-2/1/1565650500.png/ // http://localhost:8080/api/product-image/thumb-3/1/1565650500.png/ if len(wrap.UrlArgs) == 5 && wrap.UrlArgs[0] == "api" && wrap.UrlArgs[1] == "product-image" && (wrap.UrlArgs[2] == "thumb-cp" || wrap.UrlArgs[2] == "thumb-1" || wrap.UrlArgs[2] == "thumb-2" || wrap.UrlArgs[2] == "thumb-3") { thumb_type := wrap.UrlArgs[2] product_id := wrap.UrlArgs[3] file_name := wrap.UrlArgs[4] original_file := wrap.DHtdocs + string(os.PathSeparator) + "products" + string(os.PathSeparator) + "images" + string(os.PathSeparator) + product_id + string(os.PathSeparator) + file_name if !utils.IsFileExists(original_file) { // User error 404 page wrap.RenderFrontEnd("404", fetdata.New(wrap, nil, true), http.StatusNotFound) return } width := (*wrap.Config).Shop.Thumbnails.ControlPanel[0] height := (*wrap.Config).Shop.Thumbnails.ControlPanel[1] if thumb_type == "thumb-1" { width = (*wrap.Config).Shop.Thumbnails.Thumbnail1[0] height = (*wrap.Config).Shop.Thumbnails.Thumbnail1[1] } else if thumb_type == "thumb-2" { width = (*wrap.Config).Shop.Thumbnails.Thumbnail2[0] height = (*wrap.Config).Shop.Thumbnails.Thumbnail2[1] } else if thumb_type == "thumb-3" { width = (*wrap.Config).Shop.Thumbnails.Thumbnail3[0] height = (*wrap.Config).Shop.Thumbnails.Thumbnail3[1] } target_file := wrap.DHtdocs + string(os.PathSeparator) + "products" + string(os.PathSeparator) + "images" + string(os.PathSeparator) + product_id + string(os.PathSeparator) + thumb_type + "-" + file_name if !utils.IsFileExists(target_file) { data, ok, ext, err := this.api_GenerateImage(wrap, width, height, 0, original_file) if err != nil { // System error 500 utils.SystemErrorPageEngine(wrap.W, err) return } if !ok { // User error 404 page wrap.RenderFrontEnd("404", fetdata.New(wrap, nil, true), http.StatusNotFound) return } // Save file if file, err := os.Create(target_file); err == nil { file.Write(data) } wrap.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate") wrap.W.Header().Set("Content-Type", ext) wrap.W.Write(data) } else { http.ServeFile(wrap.W, wrap.R, target_file) } } else if len(wrap.UrlArgs) == 2 && wrap.UrlArgs[0] == "api" && wrap.UrlArgs[1] == "products" { if (*wrap.Config).API.XML.Enabled == 1 { // Fix url if wrap.R.URL.Path[len(wrap.R.URL.Path)-1] != '/' { http.Redirect(wrap.W, wrap.R, wrap.R.URL.Path+"/"+utils.ExtractGetParams(wrap.R.RequestURI), 301) return } // XML wrap.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate") wrap.W.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8") wrap.W.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) wrap.W.Write([]byte(this.api_GenerateXml(wrap))) } else { wrap.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate") wrap.W.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) wrap.W.Write([]byte("Disabled!")) } } else if len(wrap.UrlArgs) == 1 { // Fix url if wrap.R.URL.Path[len(wrap.R.URL.Path)-1] != '/' { http.Redirect(wrap.W, wrap.R, wrap.R.URL.Path+"/"+utils.ExtractGetParams(wrap.R.RequestURI), 301) return } // Some info wrap.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate") wrap.W.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) wrap.W.Write([]byte("Fave engine API mount point!")) } else { // User error 404 page wrap.RenderFrontEnd("404", fetdata.New(wrap, nil, true), http.StatusNotFound) return } }, func(wrap *wrapper.Wrapper) (string, string, string) { // No any page for back-end return "", "", "" }) }