package main import ( "context" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "net/http" "os" "strings" "time" "golang-fave/assets" "golang-fave/cblocks" "golang-fave/consts" "golang-fave/domains" "golang-fave/engine" "golang-fave/engine/basket" "golang-fave/engine/mysqlpool" "golang-fave/logger" "golang-fave/modules" "golang-fave/support" "golang-fave/utils" "" "" "" "" ) func init() { flag.StringVar(&consts.ParamHost, "host", "", "server host") flag.IntVar(&consts.ParamPort, "port", 8080, "server port") flag.StringVar(&consts.ParamWwwDir, "dir", "", "virtual hosts directory") flag.BoolVar(&consts.ParamDebug, "debug", false, "debug mode with ignoring log files") flag.BoolVar(&consts.ParamKeepAlive, "keepalive", false, "enable/disable server keep alive") flag.Parse() } func main() { // Params from env vars read_env_params() // Check www dir consts.ParamWwwDir = utils.FixPath(consts.ParamWwwDir) if !utils.IsDirExists(consts.ParamWwwDir) { fmt.Printf("Virtual hosts directory is not exists\n") fmt.Printf("Example: ./fave -host -port 80 -dir ./hosts\n") return } // Run database migration if err := support.New().Migration(consts.ParamWwwDir); err != nil { fmt.Printf("[ERROR] MIGRATION FAILED: %s\n", err) } // Init logger lg := logger.New() // Attach www dir to logger lg.SetWwwDir(consts.ParamWwwDir) // Session cleaner sess_cl_ch, sess_cl_stop := session_clean_start(consts.ParamWwwDir) defer session_clean_stop(sess_cl_ch, sess_cl_stop) // Image processing imgs_cl_ch, imgs_cl_stop := image_start(consts.ParamWwwDir) defer image_stop(imgs_cl_ch, imgs_cl_stop) // Init mounted resources res := resource.New() assets.PopulateResources(res) // Init static files helper stat := static.New(consts.DirIndexFile) // Init modules mods := modules.New() // MySQL connections pool mpool := mysqlpool.New() // Xml generation xml_cl_ch, xml_cl_stop := xml_start(consts.ParamWwwDir, mpool) defer xml_stop(xml_cl_ch, xml_cl_stop) // SMTP sender smtp_cl_ch, smtp_cl_stop := smtp_start(consts.ParamWwwDir, mpool) defer smtp_stop(smtp_cl_ch, smtp_cl_stop) // Shop basket sb := basket.New() sb_cl_ch, sb_cl_stop := basket_clean_start(sb) defer basket_clean_stop(sb_cl_ch, sb_cl_stop) // Init cache blocks cbs := cblocks.New() // Init and start web server server_address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", consts.ParamHost, consts.ParamPort) // Server params server_params := func(s *http.Server) { s.SetKeepAlivesEnabled(consts.ParamKeepAlive) } // Before callback before := func( ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, o *[]bootstrap.Iface, ) { w.Header().Set("Server", ""+consts.ServerVersion) } // After callback after := func( ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, o *[]bootstrap.Iface, ) { // Schema r.URL.Scheme = "http" // Mounted assets if res.Response( w, r, func( w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, i *resource.OneResource, ) { if consts.ParamDebug && i.Path == "assets/cp/scripts.js" { w.Write([]byte("window.fave_debug=true;")) } }, nil, ) { return } // Host and port host, port := utils.ExtractHostPort(r.Host, false) curr_host := host // Domain bindings doms := domains.New(consts.ParamWwwDir) if mhost := doms.GetHost(host); mhost != "" { curr_host = mhost } vhost_dir := consts.ParamWwwDir + string(os.PathSeparator) + curr_host if !utils.IsDirExists(vhost_dir) { curr_host = "localhost" vhost_dir = consts.ParamWwwDir + string(os.PathSeparator) + "localhost" } // Check for minimal dirs structure vhost_dir_config := vhost_dir + string(os.PathSeparator) + "config" vhost_dir_htdocs := vhost_dir + string(os.PathSeparator) + "htdocs" vhost_dir_logs := vhost_dir + string(os.PathSeparator) + "logs" vhost_dir_template := vhost_dir + string(os.PathSeparator) + "template" vhost_dir_tmp := vhost_dir + string(os.PathSeparator) + "tmp" if !utils.IsDirExists(vhost_dir_config) { utils.SystemErrorPageEngine( w, errors.New("Folder "+vhost_dir_config+" is not found"), ) return } if !utils.IsDirExists(vhost_dir_htdocs) { utils.SystemErrorPageEngine( w, errors.New("Folder "+vhost_dir_htdocs+" is not found"), ) return } if !utils.IsDirExists(vhost_dir_logs) { utils.SystemErrorPageEngine( w, errors.New("Folder "+vhost_dir_logs+" is not found"), ) return } if !utils.IsDirExists(vhost_dir_template) { utils.SystemErrorPageEngine( w, errors.New("Folder "+vhost_dir_template+" is not found"), ) return } if !utils.IsDirExists(vhost_dir_tmp) { utils.SystemErrorPageEngine( w, errors.New("Folder "+vhost_dir_tmp+" is not found"), ) return } // Static files if stat.Response(vhost_dir_htdocs, w, r, nil, nil) { return } // Robots.txt and styles.css from template dir if ServeTemplateFile(w, r, "robots.txt", "", vhost_dir_template) { return } if ServeTemplateFile(w, r, "styles.css", "assets/theme/", vhost_dir_template) { return } if ServeTemplateFile(w, r, "scripts.js", "assets/theme/", vhost_dir_template) { return } // Session sess := session.New(w, r, vhost_dir_tmp) defer sess.Close() // Convert var lg *logger.Logger if v, ok := (*o)[0].(*logger.Logger); ok { lg = v } var mpool *mysqlpool.MySqlPool if v, ok := (*o)[1].(*mysqlpool.MySqlPool); ok { mpool = v } // --- // Logic if mpool != nil { if engine.Response( mpool, sb, lg, mods, w, r, sess, cbs, host, port, curr_host, vhost_dir_config, vhost_dir_htdocs, vhost_dir_logs, vhost_dir_template, vhost_dir_tmp, ) { return } } // Error 404 utils.SystemErrorPage404(w) } // Shutdown callback shutdown := func( ctx context.Context, o *[]bootstrap.Iface, ) error { var errs []string // --- if mpool, ok := (*o)[1].(*mysqlpool.MySqlPool); ok { if err := mpool.Close(); err != nil { errs = append(errs, err.Error()) } } if lg, ok := (*o)[0].(*logger.Logger); ok { lg.Close() } // --- if len(errs) > 0 { return errors.New("Shutdown callback: " + strings.Join(errs, ", ")) } return nil } // Start server bootstrap.Start( &bootstrap.Opts{ Handle: lg.Handler, Host: server_address, Path: consts.AssetsPath, Cbserv: server_params, Before: before, After: after, Timeout: 8 * time.Second, Shutdown: shutdown, Objects: &[]bootstrap.Iface{ lg, mpool, }, }, ) } func ServeTemplateFile( w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, file string, path string, dir string, ) bool { if r.URL.Path == "/"+path+file { if utils.IsRegularFileExists(dir + string(os.PathSeparator) + file) { http.ServeFile(w, r, dir+string(os.PathSeparator)+file) return true } } return false }