package template var VarHeaderHtmlFile = []byte(` {{if not (eq $.Data.Module "404")}} {{if eq $.Data.Module "index"}} {{$.Data.Page.Name}} {{else if or (eq $.Data.Module "blog") (eq $.Data.Module "blog-post") (eq $.Data.Module "blog-category")}} {{if eq $.Data.Module "blog-category"}} Posts of category "{{$.Data.Blog.Category.Name}}" | Blog {{else if eq $.Data.Module "blog-post"}} {{$.Data.Blog.Post.Name}} | Blog {{else}} Latest posts | Blog {{end}} {{else if or (eq $.Data.Module "shop") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-product") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-category")}} {{if eq $.Data.Module "shop-category"}} Products of category "{{$.Data.Shop.Category.Name}}" | Shop {{else if eq $.Data.Module "shop-product"}} {{$.Data.Shop.Product.Name}} | Shop {{else}} Latest products | Shop {{end}} {{end}} {{else}} Error 404 {{end}}

{{if not (eq $.Data.Module "404")}} {{if eq $.Data.Module "index"}} {{if eq $.Data.Page.Alias "/"}} Welcome to home page {{else}} Welcome to some another page {{end}} {{else if or (eq $.Data.Module "blog") (eq $.Data.Module "blog-post") (eq $.Data.Module "blog-category")}} {{if eq $.Data.Module "blog-category"}} Blog category {{else if eq $.Data.Module "blog-post"}} Blog post {{else}} Blog {{end}} {{else if or (eq $.Data.Module "shop") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-product") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-category")}} {{if eq $.Data.Module "shop-category"}} Shop category {{else if eq $.Data.Module "shop-product"}} Shop product {{else}} Shop {{end}} {{end}} {{else}} Oops, page is not found... {{end}}

{{if or (eq $.Data.Module "shop") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-category") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-product")}}
{{if or (eq $.Data.Module "shop") (eq $.Data.Module "shop-category")}}
{{template "sidebar-left.html" .}}
{{end}} {{if or (eq $.Data.Module "shop-product")}}