.gitignore 648 B

  1. # Binaries for programs and plugins
  2. *.exe
  3. *.exe~
  4. *.dll
  5. *.so
  6. *.dylib
  7. # Test binary, build with `go test -c`
  8. *.test
  9. # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
  10. *.out
  11. # Binary files
  12. /fave
  13. /bin/*
  14. # Virtual hosts logs
  15. /hosts/*/logs/*
  16. !/hosts/*/logs/.*
  17. # Virtual hosts temp dir
  18. /hosts/*/tmp/*
  19. !/hosts/*/tmp/.*
  20. # Test virtual host dir
  21. /hosts/*
  22. !/hosts/localhost
  23. /hosts/*/htdocs/products
  24. /hosts/*/htdocs/products.xml
  25. # Default host mysql config file
  26. /hosts/localhost/config/mysql.json
  27. # All else
  28. /hosts/localhost/config/config.json
  29. # Skip cypress libs folder
  30. /cypress/screenshots
  31. /cypress/videos
  32. /node_modules
  33. /yarn.lock