For self hosted, ready to use RESTful API microservice for converting IP to location such a City
, Country
and Region
. Free lite database version of
is used. Please donwload your own database file from
. You can also use
script in the root directory for automatically refreshing database from
with your own token. You can download databsae here
Docker image:
Usage of ./ip2location:
-access_log_file string
Or ENV_ACCESS_LOG_FILE: Access log file
-data_dir string
Or ENV_DATA_DIR: Application data directory
-db_update_time int
Or ENV_DB_UPDATE_TIME: Delay in minutes between database reloading (default 60)
-deployment string
Or ENV_DEPLOYMENT: Deployment type (default "development")
-error_log_file string
Or ENV_ERROR_LOG_FILE: Error log file
-host string
Or ENV_HOST: Web server IP (default "")
-limit_requests int
Or ENV_LIMIT_REQUESTS: Requests per second per one IP (default 5)
-port string
Or ENV_PORT: Web server port (default "8080")
-web_url string
Or ENV_WEB_URL: Web server home URL (default "http://localhost:8080/")
Only one: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ip2location/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2022 20:45:48 GMT
Content-Length: 107
"City": "Mountain View",
"CountryLong": "United States of America",
"CountryShort": "US",
"Region": "California"
Right now, application is not designed for automatically refreshing database. Application just load pre-downloaded dabase file, load it on startup and reread database every 60 minutes (interval can be changed by ENV_DB_UPDATE_TIME
variable), but database file need to update manually. So you must care about refreshing databse by yourself by using for example crontab and included
script. Example for crontab file:
0 2 1 * * root /var/ip2location/ "your token" "/var/ip2location/data/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB3.BIN" > /dev/null 2>&1
Script takes two parameters, first - your database token from
, and second - database file. In this example script will automatically refresh database every month at 2 AM, once at month. It's enough for free lite database version. Script will not damage database file on fail
docker run -d \
--network host \
--restart=always \
--name my-container-name \
-e ENV_DATA_DIR="/app/data" \
-e ENV_DEPLOYMENT="deployment" \
-e ENV_HOST="" \
-e ENV_PORT="8080" \
-e ENV_WEB_URL="http://localhost:8080/" \
-v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
-v /var/ip2location/data:/app/data \