2 years ago | |
logs | 6 years ago | |
scripts | 6 years ago | |
LICENSE | 2 years ago | |
README.md | 2 years ago | |
run.sh | 6 years ago |
Template of empty daemon for Linux on pure bash. Imagine, you need to make auto deploy from one server to another 5 or more servers. You may install special software for this with many dependencies and lot of else soft. But why? You can create SSH key for master server and attach this key to other slave servers. Then you need only bash commands and thats all.
cd ~
git clone git@github.com:vladimirok5959/bash-empty-daemon.git
cd bash-empty-daemon
chmod 0744 run.sh
./run.sh (once|start|stop|status|update)
./run.sh once
Loop. Every one second. Do something here...
Loop. Every one second. Do something here...
Loop. Every one second. Do something here...
./run.sh status
Daemon is not runned
./run.sh start
./run.sh status
Daemon is runned with pid = 18504
cat ./logs/all.log
Loop. Every one second. Do something here...
Loop. Every one second. Do something here...
Loop. Every one second. Do something here...
Loop. Every one second. Do something here...
Loop. Every one second. Do something here...
./run.sh stop
Daemon stoped
./run.sh once
Will run script in non deamon mode. This is easy way to debug daemon body in file loop.sh
, also you can simply shutdown daemon by pressing Ctrl+C.
./run.sh start
Will run in daemon mode and you can safety close remote ssh connection.
./run.sh stop
Will stop daemon.
./run.sh status
Will show if daemon runned currently on not.
./run.sh update
Self update. Get the latest daemon template from GIT and update main script. Auto update do not touched user scripts. Can be safety runned. Auto update will stop daemon, make updates and will run daemon automatically, if he was worked before updates.
Look into file scripts/example.sh
# Example
echo "Loop. Every one second. Do something here..."
Contents of this file and any of *.sh file in script
folder will be fired every second and each time.
Check for command on master server via file and create in /tmp
dir on slave server file time.txt
with time from master server.
if [ -f "/tmp/command1.txt" ]; then
# Need to remove this file, because script will be run this command every second
rm /tmp/command1.txt
# Simple write some to log file
echo "I recive command 1!"
# Create test file
echo "$(date '+%F %T')" > /tmp/time.txt
# Copy file to remote server
scp -P 22 /tmp/time.txt user@slave-server-1.com:/tmp/time.txt
# Delete created file on master
rm /tmp/time.txt
# Write to logs
echo "Command 1 is done!"
Check for command and make some simple changes on slave server.
if [ -f "/tmp/command2.txt" ]; then
rm /tmp/command2.txt
ssh -p 22 user@slave-server-1.com 'cd /tmp; mkdir daemon;'
ssh -p 22 user@slave-server-1.com 'cd /tmp/daemon; mkdir test; cd test; touch test'
Tested on Linux Debian and Mac OS X High Sierra.
You can easy make auto deploy for GIT for example or something else.
You can use bash-daemon-maker to assembly and install your daemon in less of one minute. Enjoy.