1 month ago | |
.github | 1 month ago | |
db | 2 years ago | |
gosql | 1 month ago | |
.gitignore | 2 years ago | |
LICENSE | 2 years ago | |
Makefile | 1 month ago | |
README.md | 1 month ago | |
go.mod | 1 month ago | |
go.sum | 1 month ago | |
main.go | 1 month ago |
Go bindings library for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite
This library allow you to faster make your development if you need to use/support multiple database engines such MySQL, PostgreSQL or/and SQLite. For example you can make web service and give ability to choose storage type. Or you can use SQLite for tests or for demo version and MySQL or PostgreSQL for production. Migrations (thanks to dbmate) is suported out of box and full SQL messages for debugging. Note: please use PostgreSQL parameter placeholders even if MySQL is used, it will be automatically replaced with ?
Used amacneil/dbmate inside the project for creating connections (please review dbmate docs) and for migrations, so next schemes is supported:
# MySQL connection:
# MySQL through the socket:
# PostgreSQL connection:
# SQLite file:
DeleteRowByID(ctx context.Context, id int64, row any) error
InsertRow(ctx context.Context, row any) error
PrepareSQL(query string, args ...any) *common.Prepared
QueryRowByID(ctx context.Context, id int64, row any) error
RowExists(ctx context.Context, id int64, row any) bool
UpdateRow(ctx context.Context, row any) error
UpdateRowOnly(ctx context.Context, row any, fields ...string) error
Please mark structure fields for using this funcs:
type structUser struct {
ID int64 `field:"id" table:"users"`
Name string `field:"name"`
var rowUser structUser
if err := db.DeleteRowByID(context.Background(), 1, &rowUser); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())
rowUser.Name = "John"
if err := db.InsertRow(context.Background(), &rowUser); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())
rowUser.ID = 1
rowUser.Name = "Alice"
if err := db.UpdateRow(context.Background(), &rowUser); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())
if err := db.UpdateRowOnly(context.Background(), &rowUser, "name"); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())
$ go run main.go
[SQL] [func Open] (empty) (nil) 0.000 ms
[SQL] [func SetConnMaxLifetime] (empty) (nil) 0.000 ms
[SQL] [func SetMaxIdleConns] (empty) (nil) 0.000 ms
[SQL] [func SetMaxOpenConns] (empty) (nil) 0.000 ms
Inserting some data to users table
[SQL] [func Exec] INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES ($1, $2) ([5 John]) (nil) 0.004 ms
Selecting all rows from users table
[SQL] [func Query] SELECT id, name FROM users ORDER BY id ASC (empty) (nil) 0.000 ms
ID: 1, Name: Alice
ID: 2, Name: Bob
ID: 5, Name: John
Updating inside transaction
[SQL] [TX] [func Begin] (empty) (nil) 0.000 ms
[SQL] [TX] [func Exec] UPDATE users SET name=$1 WHERE id=$2 ([John 1]) (nil) 0.000 ms
[SQL] [TX] [func Exec] UPDATE users SET name=$1 WHERE id=$2 ([Alice 5]) (nil) 0.000 ms
[SQL] [TX] [func Commit] (empty) (nil) 0.005 ms
Selecting all rows from users again
[SQL] [func Query] SELECT id, name FROM users ORDER BY id ASC (empty) (nil) 0.000 ms
ID: 1, Name: John
ID: 2, Name: Bob
ID: 5, Name: Alice
Selecting specific user with ID: 5
[SQL] [func QueryRow] SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE id=$1 ([5]) (nil) 0.000 ms
ID: 5, Name: Alice
[SQL] [func Close] (empty) (nil) 0.000 ms
go version
go version go1.23.5 linux/amd64
go env
gcc -v
gcc version 13.3.0 (Ubuntu 13.3.0-6ubuntu2~24.04)
golangci-lint version
golangci-lint has version v1.63.4 built with go1.23.5